Alain Lionel MARTEL 20 mai 1958 - 13 mars 2022

Envoyer mes condoléances à la famille de Alain Lionel Martel

Alain Lionel MARTEL


C’est avec beaucoup d’émotion que nous vous apprenons le décès d’Alain Lionel Martel survenu le 11 mars 2022 à l’âge de 63 ans.

Il laisse dans le deuil sa mère Aline Duclos (feu Gérald Martel), son épouse de toujours Monique Lalande, ses filles Audrey Leslie (Brian) et Stéphanie Martel-Fournier (Bruce) ainsi que ses petites-filles Charlotte, Lucie, Alice et Nathalie. Ses sœurs Ginette Martel (André) et Diane Martel (Sylvain) sont également éprouvées par son départ.

Alain a vu le jour dans la maison familiale où il a grandi entouré de ses parents et de ses sœurs. En tant qu’ainé, il n’a cessé d’être un grand-frère responsable et bienveillant. Il a fait la connaissance de sa douce moitié Monique chez Provigo où ils travaillaient tous les deux. Ils ont uni leur destinée le 27 décembre 1980. Leurs deux filles, Audrey et Stéphanie, sont arrivées pour leur plus grand bonheur.

Alain a connu une brillante carrière, poussé par sa soif de défis, d’aventures, de découvertes culturelles aux quatre coins du globe et sans cesse épaulé par sa famille. C’était un homme loyal et d’une grande écoute. Un ami fidèle sur qui tous pouvaient compter autant sur le plan professionnel que personnel. Plusieurs peuvent en témoigner. Alain ne disait jamais non pour donner un coup de main lors de déménagements, de rénovations.

Il aimait écouter et jouer de la musique. Partir en VR. Rouler en moto. Plonger pour admirer les beautés sous-marines. C’était un partenaire de danse exceptionnel. Un homme qui vivait pleinement sa vie sans retenir ses larmes en écoutant un film.

Alain, c’était mon bien-aimé. Notre papa aimant et attentionné. Notre grand-papa adorable et adoré. Il nous manquera à tous. Mais il sera chaque jour avec nous dans nos cœurs. Nous vivrons habités par ces merveilleux moments passés ensemble.

Nous vous invitons à vous joindre à nous pour un dernier au revoir au Salon funéraire Demers, au 651 boul. Laurier, McMasterville, vendredi le 25 mars 2022 de 13h à 16h.


It is with great sadness that we inform you of the death of Alain Lionel Martel on March 11, 2022 at the age of 63.

Alain was a beloved and adored son, husband, father, grandfather and brother. He is survived by his mother Aline Duclos (late Gérald Martel), his wife Monique Lalande, his daughters Audrey Leslie (Brian) and Stéphanie Martel-Fournier (Bruce) as well as his granddaughters Charlotte, Lucie, Alice and Nathalie and his sisters Ginette Martel (André) and Diane Martel (Sylvain.) It is with great memories and deepest sadness that his passing has come upon all of us.

Alain was born in his family home where he grew up surrounded by loving parents and sisters. As the eldest son, he never ceased to be a responsible and kind big brother. He met his better half, Monique at Provigo, where they both worked and they soon fell in love. Alain and Monique married on December 27, 1980 and started a family. They soon had their two daughters, Audrey and Stéphanie. As a family their many adventures were just beginning as they had unforgettable experiences and travel ahead of them.

Alain had a brilliant career, driven by his thirst for challenges, adventures, and cultural discoveries around the world. He was constantly supported by his family. He was a loyal and attentive man and a faithful friend on whom everyone could count both professionally and personally. His many family and friends can attest to this as Alain never said no to lend a hand when moving or renovating. His kindness and generosity knew no bounds.

He loved to listen to and play music, go on RV trips, ride his motorcycle and scuba dive to admire the wonders of the underwater world. He was an exceptional dance partner and a man who lived his life to the fullest. He never held back from an experience, even  when he didn’t hold back his tears while watching a movie!

Alain was beloved, a loving and caring father and an adoring and adored grandfather. He will be deeply missed by all of us and in our hearts every day. His memory will be honored as we constantly cherish the wonderful moments that we spent together.

We invite you to join us for a final goodbye at the Demers Funeral Home, 651 boul. Laurier, McMasterville, on Friday March 25th from 1:00pm – 4:00pm


Le vendredi, 25 mars 2022
Dès 13:00

Complexe Demers
651, boul. Laurier, McMasterville, J3G 0K5
Cérémonie hommage

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